Kiwi discounts and coupons

Kiwi discounts and coupons

PromoKupon guarantee

We guarantee all the discounts. Reward for everybody, who finds out invalid discount.

Search for cheap flights on Kiwi and save with our discount codes and promotional flight prices. Kiwi (formerly Skypicker) is an online ticket retailer that can find you unique flight combinations to save money. Additionally, you can use the Multicity feature or discounted tickets to save on your dream vacation. Further advantageous programs and guarantees that Kiwi offers can be found below. Kiwi is the absolute top in flight search, as you can clearly filter flight combinations according to many criteria.

Special offer of air tickets

Check out the current best airline tickets

   Valid at least until 19/2/2025

Cheap flights from Prague

Check out the best airline tickets from Prague to all over the world

   Valid at least until 19/2/2025

Cheap flights from Vienna

Check out the best flight deals from Vienna to all over the world

   Valid at least until 19/2/2025

Cheap flights from Bratislava

Check out the best airline tickets from Bratislava to all over the world

   Valid at least until 19/2/2025

Cheap airline tickets

Explore new destinations with tickets from just a few hundred

   Valid at least until 19/2/2025

Kiwi guarantee

If you miss a transfer, Kiwi will provide you with an additional flight to your…

   Valid at least until 19/2/2025

Travel Hacks

Find out how to pay the minimum while travelling here

   Valid at least until 19/2/2025

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How to enter your promo code or voucher?

  1. Select a trip.
  2. Summary and payment - click Redeem a promo code above the Payment box on the booking page.
  3. Enter your code and click Apply. 
  4. A success message will pop up and you should see that your trip cost has been discounted.


  • Only one promo code is allowed per booking.
  • Promo codes can only be used once.
  • Promo codes are non-transferable and non-redeemable for cash or credit.

How to use the promocode on Kiwi?

If you have received a promo code that Kiwi can issue in various events, you can simply apply it. At the step where you pay the ticket, click on as in the picture below:

At the next step, you will see a field in which you can enter and redeem the promo code with the "Apply" button:


Kiwi (earlier Skypicker) was founded in Czech Republic and is one of the most valuable Czech start-ups. Their tickets are sold worldwide. Using Kiwi pays off mainly for leap flights, where their search engine can combine flights of different freight companies, as well as combinations of those who do not co-operate officially.

The best known Czech flight ticket search engine This is a billion start-up. offers a Guarantee, which provides security when transferring. It means that in case of flight delays, Kiwi covers all the transportation costs to the destination. We recommend that you read the terms of the guarantee.

You do not have to worry about transfers with different airlines. If you miss a connecting flight, Kiwi will provide you with a free ticket for the next flight to your destination.

Travel as most conveniently as possible to multiple destinations in one trip

There is a feature called "Nomad" which offers travelers the opportunity to purchase the most advantageous tickets to multiple destinations thanks to a new algorithm. So you have the opportunity to plan the most advantageous flight from London to Italy, then France, America and back to London All you have to do is to choose your initial trip, the number of days in other destinations and finally the trip back. It's quite simple and saves you a lot of money and time. You won't be bothered with a lengthy search using Nomad.

Kiwi in Europe

Kiwi is available in several European countries. For information about Kiwi vouchers in Czech Republic, continue to Kiwi operates as well in Slovakia, all the discounts you can find on Kiwi works also on Hungary market, go to to explore current offers. If you are from Romania, we didn't forget for you - all what you need to know about Kiwi vouchers, you can find on