Coosub discount code 5%

Coosub discount code 5%

PromoKupon guarantee

We guarantee all the discounts. Reward for everybody, who finds out invalid discount.

Enter our Coosub promo code "KUPON" for 5% off and more than half off Netflix, Spotify, SkyShowtime, YouTube Premium and more. For individuals, subscriptions to these services cost a hefty sum. However, Coosub strives to take advantage of bulk subscriptions and promotions so that you always get the best price for your streaming service subscription. We keep track of all available discounts and promotions on subscriptions, so redeem them as soon as possible and avail these services cheaper than others.

Promo code for 5% discount

With this discount you will get an additional 5% discount on your subscription

   Valid at least until 19/2/2025

Spotify for only around 3€ per month

Listen to music on Spotify for the lowest price thanks to Coosub

   Valid at least until 19/2/2025

Netflix for only around 4€ per month

Watch Netflix at the lowest price thanks to Coosub

   Valid at least until 19/2/2025

YouTube Premium for around 3€

Get YouTube Premium for the lowest price thanks to Coosub

   Valid at least until 19/2/2025

Duolingo for around 2€ per month

Learn with Duolingo at the lowest price thanks to Coosub

   Valid at least until 19/2/2025

Disney+ for around 2€ per month

Enjoy Disney+ at the lowest price thanks to Coosub

   Valid at least until 19/2/2025

SkyShowtime for only around 3€

Watch SkyShowtime at the lowest price thanks to Coosub

   Valid at least until 19/2/2025

Money Back Guarantee

See how a money back guarantee works if you're not satisfied.

   Valid at least until 19/2/2025

  Notify me about new discounts

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By subscribing you agree to the terms of privacy policy.

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How to get a 5% cheaper subscription?

To get a cheaper subscription to Netflix, Spotify or YouTube Premium via Coosub with our promo code "KUPON" above, do the following:

  • Sign up for Coosub and log in.
  • Select the subscription service you want to get a good deal on and use the promo code "KUPON" at checkout to apply the 5% discount.
  • Complete the payment for the service by clicking on the code "KUPON" and redeem the promotional code "KUPON" to receive the discount code "KUPON".
  • Follow our profile on Coosub for more discounts and don't miss any more new promotions.

We recommend activating your discount as soon as possible as this promotion has a limited time validity.


What is Coosub?

Coosub is a platform that allows users to join low-cost shared subscriptions to services such as Netflix, SkyShowtime, YouTube, Spotify and more. It aims to reduce subscription costs by providing shared subscriptions at more affordable prices. Coosub pairs co-subscribers from the same country or region to ensure the most convenient experience with a cost-effective shared subscription. The platform also provides online customer support to help with queries and ensure quality after-sales service.

netflix-slevovy-kod.jpgWhat subscriptions can I apply the Coosub discount to?

Shared subscriptions can be found on Coosub for a wide range of services such as Netflix, YouTube, SkyShowtime, Spotify, Canva, TIDAL HiFi Plus and Super Duolingo. We recommend visiting the Coosub website for an up-to-date overview of all available subscriptions.

Coosub in Europe

Coosub is available in several European countries. For information about Coosub vouchers in Czech Republic, continue to Coosub operates as well in Slovakia, all the discounts you can find on